Quickscribe's convenience legislation manuals are made up of specialized groupings of BC Statutes and Regulations contained in easy-to-use 3-ring binders with special index tabs.
It is our invaluable updating service that truly makes our manuals superior. We carefully monitor legislation year-round and send updates to the manuals automatically whenever the urgency and quantity of changes warrants. We will not let your legislation fall out of date.
Our reputation is built on our ability to deliver these reliable hardcopy consolidations to clients more quickly and more economically than any other source.
Our BC Motor Vehicle Legislation Volume Series, when combined, contains a comprehensive list of motor vehicle-related legislation catering to a broad spectrum of needs. Volume 1 contains what users define as “core legislation” (essential to all users), while Volumes 2 and 3 contain other related Acts and regulations. Customers have the flexibility of choosing the combination that best suits their needs. These combinations can be changed at any time. Updates will be sent approximately 4 times per year to ensure the material in your manual remains current. You may want to also consider one of the other motor vehicle-related manuals offered below or check out a free trial of our new online service. Online Version
Quickscribe's Transport Legislation Manual is an essential tool for any professional in the transport industry. Frequent changes to this legislation make it difficult to stay abreast of regulations and policies governing the industry. Our updating service will keep your legislation current in order to avoid costly fines or penalties. Updates are sent to subscribers automatically within weeks of proclamation. Those who are interested in this manual may also want to have a look at the online version (above). Online Version
This special manual was developed primarily for Crown Counsel offices, but is also available to those professionals who require an up-to-date version of the Motor Vehicle Act, Offence Act and related regulations. This collection is updated, on average, 4 times per year to ensure the material in your manual remains current. Online Version
This special manual was specifically designed in cooperation with Motor Vehicle Inspectors and Auditors. The purpose of this manual and associated updating service is to ensure that all BC automotive facilities meet the legislation requirements by maintaining a current copy of the Motor Vehicle Act & Regulation on site. Quickscribe will ensure that you continue to meet inspection requirements by sending you an update once every year at a cost of only $45 per update. Online Version
Existing subscribers who wish to order replacement Binders or Tab Dividers, please call us at (250) 727-6978.