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Vol: V  –  Issue: VIII      August 30, 2006


More Content Coming Soon! – Quickscribe staff are working diligently to add the remaining provincial statutes and regulations into our database and will soon add a significant number of new Federal legislation documents into our database. Over the coming months these new additions will be announced in the Quickscribe Reporter as they become available. Let us know if you have a preference as to which documents you would like us to add as a priority.

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Click for: 3rd Reading Bills (Spring Session)

Click for:  HEALTH
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Forest and Environment News:

Fish Forestry Interaction Program – The Fish Forestry Interaction Program is designed to better understand watershed processes that influence aquatic ecosystems. The FFIP web page, found on the B.C. Ministry of Forests and Range Research Branch's web site, contains information on the program, four major projects, the FFIP publications and project contacts. See FFIP web page.

B.C. Government Supports Softwood Lumber Agreement – Premier Gordon Campbell recently pledged the government of British Columbia’s support for the softwood lumber agreement. "We have received sufficient assurances that the Province's concerns with the softwood lumber agreement have been addressed," said Campbell. "While not perfect, the agreement is a reasonable deal for British Columbia and will provide greater stability and certainty." See: News Release for details. For the latest information on softwood lumber, please see the following websites: BC Lumber Trade Council, Government of Canada or Government of BC.

Act or Regulation Affected Effective Date Amendment Information
Conservation Officer Service Authority Regulation 318/2004 July 30, 2006 by Reg 204/2006
Hunting Regulation 190/84 July 14, 2006 by Reg 215/2006
Land Survey Act July 21, 2006 by 2006 Bill 30 s. 21 only (Reg 229/2006) Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2006
Land Surveyors Act July 21, 2006 by 2006 Bill 30 s. 22 only (Reg 229/2006) Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2006
Lheidli T'enneh Designated Area [superceded] 151/2005 REPEALED!
July 21, 2006
by Reg 222/2006
Lheidli T'enneh Designated Area 222/2006 NEW!
July 21, 2006
by Reg 222/2006
Limited Entry Hunting Regulation 134/93 July 1, 2006 by Reg 92/2006
Oil and Gas Waste Regulation [supersedes 208/96] 254/2005 July 21, 2006 by Reg 220/2006
Ozone Depleting Substances and Other Halocarbons Regulation 387/99 July 21, 2006 by Reg 220/2006
Spill Reporting Regulation 263/90 July 21, 2006 by Reg 220/2006
Standards for the Classification of Land as a Farm Regulation 411/95 July 21, 2006 by Reg 237/2006
Waste Discharge Regulation 320/2004 July 21, 2006 by Reg 220/2006
Wood Residue Burner and Incinerator Regulation 519/95 July 21, 2006 by Reg 220/2006
Act or Regulation Affected Effective Date Amendment Information
Emergency Medical Assistants Regulation 562/2004 July 13, 2006 by Reg 207/2006
Health Professions Act July 21, 2006 by 2003 Bill 62 s. 27 only (Reg 235/2006) Health Professions Amendment Act, 2003

Labour and Company News:

Consumer Taxation Branch – Here is a summary of some recent bulletins from the Consumer Taxation Branch. See: What's New

  • Exemption for Materials and Equipment Used to Conserve Energy – re: rating of oil fired forced-air furnaces
  • Legal Services Provided to British Columbians – information page
  • Boat Sales and Purchases – updated information on the maximum boat length for the aquaculturist exemption
  • Provincial Social Service Tax (PST) and Federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) – has been updated with the 6% GST rate
  • Natural Gas Industry Notice – re: when natural gas or oil processing businesses pay tax on natural gas consumed in internal combustion engines

New Consumer Taxation Branch webpages:

Act or Regulation Affected Effective Date Amendment Information
Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 296/97 August 15, 2006 by Reg 17/2006
Securities Act July 21, 2006 by 2006 Bill 20 s. 23,47(c),66(part) only Securities Amendment Act, 2006
Securities Regulation 196/97 July 21, 2006 by Reg 232/2006

Local Government News:

Canada's New Government Invests Gas Tax Funds In British Columbia's Cities And Communities – Over $29 million in federal gas tax funds were distributed on July 28, 2006 to 151 local governments outside of the Greater Vancouver area and to the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (GVTA). For further details please see News Release.

Province Provides Funding For Infrastructure Planning – Forty-nine British Columbia communities will share in over $700,000 from the Province under the Infrastructure Planning Grant Program this year. For further information see: News Release.

Act or Regulation Affected Effective Date Amendment Information
Independent School Act July 21, 2006 by Reg 228/2006
Independent School Regulation 262/89 July 21, 2006 by Reg 228/2006
School Act July 1, 2006 by 2006 Bill 33 s. 5-25 only (Reg 195/2006) Education (Learning Enhancement) Statutes Amendment Act, 2006
Act or Regulation Affected Effective Date Amendment Information
Land Act July 21, 2006 by 2006 Bill 30 s. 20 only (Reg 229/2006) Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2006
Land Title Act July 21, 2006 by 2006 Bill 30 s. 23-46 only (Reg 229/2006) Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2006 229/2006
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